Friday, October 26, 2012

Digital Imaging

This week we worked with digital imaging. Specifically we use digital cameras, worked to resize them, and use Picasa and Google Presentation to share them. I think images are a great way for me to reach my learners. Being in special ed. it will help greatly to give students a visual image or representation to go with the things we are learning in class. I learned a lot through these activities, mostly with saving them and the importance of resizing them. I did not realize the amount of space photos take up and how much space can be saved through resizing. These are important things to know not just as a teacher, but also in general with my own personal use with images. There are so many things students can do with digital images. They can use them to create presentations, share with their parents what they are doing in class, or with digital scavenger hunts. As digital imaging becomes more and more common, it is increasingly important that they learn these skills we did in class to be able to do things with the pictures they take. Also I think it is important they see how easy it is to manipulate photographs so they see why it is important not to believe every photo is authentic. A lot of times in society images are altered to make people look good or bad, for marketing, or just to trick people. Knowing to research a suspicious photo is very important in today's society.

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