Friday, November 9, 2012


Make a video of your own at Animoto.
Animoto is a tool I like a lot. It is great for creating short videos made up of images. I really enjoy how easy it is to use and I think it has some good practical uses in the classroom. The main way I could see myself using an animoto video is to introduce a new topic we are about to cover. It can give them a real quick view at what we are about to be learning. Also with the images and the music it really is an attention grabber to get them engaged. I think another great use is to use it as a review concepts. I think since the videos are so short they can quickly be viewed to refresh students memory of what they have been learning. I could see my students viewing the same video several times and quickly remembering each of the items in it. The animoto example I made was of the first 10 U.S. Presidents. I think this is great because I can break down the long list of all the presidents and make several short videos. This way students can focus on one group at a time and eventually learn them all. Longer videos can be made, but that requires an account. I would definitely like to be able to create longer videos, but I do see a great use even for the short ones. Also since they are easy to make, I could just create a few short ones in place of one long one. Lastly I can of course see myself sing this tool through having my students make one. It is very simple to do and I feel students will really get into the idea of creating their own video. Students probably see similar video all the time online so for them to actually be able to create one I think would really get them engaged.  Overall I think Animoto is a terrific tool that both my students and I will enjoy using.

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