Saturday, September 22, 2012

Web Quest

This week we did some research into web quest assignments.  I really enjoyed this assignment because I had never experienced a web quest before.  I see how they have a amount of benefits in helping students organize a research based assignment.  I also liked how we got to learn what to look for in these assignments and what makes a good one and what makes one not so good.  I think these assignments, if done right, have excellent academic value and are something the students will enjoy doing.  Must of these assignments were built for groups to work together, but I can see some room for them to be done individually.  I believe that they could be used by just one student if you have an advanced student who you are trying to find more advanced activities for them to do.  This would work if you found a web quest that covered an extention of the material the class is working on, and is something that interests the student.  I certainly think I will use these later on my career when developing a lesson over in depth material.

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