Friday, September 14, 2012

Website Review

During the website review I learned the importance of taking the time to look into the validity of websites I am thinking about using for class.  It did not take very long to look into the site to figure out if was a reliable or not, so I can see how taking that little bit of time really pays off.  The specific site I looked at was Thinkfinity, and I really thought it was a great site that I could rely on as a teacher to find new ideas and strategies for teaching.  I think it would also be important to teach students in my classes how to also evaluate websites for when they are working on research.  There is a lot of stuff out on the web, and it is an important skill to be able to sort through all the sites finding which ones are worthwhile.  So overall what I would take away from this is the ability to evaluate websites I could use in my teaching and the importance of teaching my students this same skill.

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