Monday, December 3, 2012


This week I my classroom website has really started to come together. I am not quite done with it, but close. It is really starting to look like something I can use going forward. The process hasn't been as difficult as I originally thought. During my placement in a high school this semester, they had class websites for each class so it is something I know I will need to know how to do. I am not sure what grade level I will teach, but having class websites in high school are so important because it helps students adjust to how things will be if they decide to go to college. Also for younger grades I think websites are an awesome way of communicating with parents. I think being able to show off young students work in a classroom website would be so rewarding for students. If I was able to go on a website and see my class projects when I was in elementary school, I would have thought it was the coolest thing ever. It would have served as a great motivation for me to keep performing at high levels. Technology is advancing so quickly that students must be exposed to it at an early age and as often as possible. A classroom website is a good way to get students exposed to a website that you have complete control of. You are able to provide them with the tools, websites, and information that you find appropriate all in one spot. I look forward to completing my website and learning the more advance things I able to do with websites. I think it may take some time setting up a site, but once it is up the benefits are endless. Link to my classroom site

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